"Fowler White Boggs is proud and honored to receive this important recognition," said Rhea F. Law, CEO and Chair of the Board. "We have long recognized the importance of empowering women and consider it to be a core competency of the firm.”
Providing comprehensive legal services to our clients for nearly 70 years, Fowler White Boggs is one of Florida’s oldest law firms. Our Firm is internationally connected with a Florida focus with more than 130 attorneys in five offices located in Tampa, Fort Myers, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, and Fort Lauderdale.
Founded in 1997 by Elizabeth Anne “Betiayn” Tursi, with the support of R.R. Donnelley and several successful senior women attorneys, and subsequently of law firm and corporate sponsors, WILEF is dedicated to assisting women in law to assume leadership roles within the Amlaw 100, Second Hundred and Fortune 1000 legal departments and within their respective communities. WILEF presents cutting-edge programming that provides an educational and networking forum for women in law.
Founded in 1997 by Elizabeth Anne “Betiayn” Tursi, with the support of R.R. Donnelley and several successful senior women attorneys, and subsequently of law firm and corporate sponsors, WILEF is dedicated to assisting women in law to assume leadership roles within the Amlaw 100, Second Hundred and Fortune 1000 legal departments and within their respective communities. WILEF presents cutting-edge programming that provides an educational and networking forum for women in law.
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