Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Palm Beach Young Lawyers Section Host Habitat for Humanity Project

The Young Lawyers Section of the Palm Beach County Bar Association is partnering with Habitat for Humanity for a service project to be held in the southern part of Palm Beach County on January 21 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm

During this time, YLS members will be assisting with the construction of a new Habitat for Humanity home. The group will be meeting for lunch beforehand for all of the YLS volunteers. Specific details about the site (they have only told us at this time that it will be in south Palm Beach County) and the location for lunch will be sent to all those who volunteer. Habitat for Humanity has asked that we provide up to 20 volunteers for this project

If you are available and interested in donating your time toward this very worth while cause, please fill out this form:
http://www.palmbeachbar.org/downloads/habitat_regis_form_2012.pdf and return it to project chair Luis Delgado at luisdelgado@me.com
Location: Palm Beach, FL, USA


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