NOW Color
Broward - Miami-Dade - Palm Beach
Tue Aug 23, 2011
12pm Broward Bar Solo/
Small Law Firm Networking Lunch
Where: Bimini Boat Yard 1555 S.E. 17th St.
Ft. Lauderdale (954) 525-7400
RSVP: Beth Lindie at
(954) 764-5400 or
12pm Demystifying the
Securities Laws A Practitioners Approach to Getting the Deal Done-Part 7-B
Where: Akerman Senterfitt, 1 SE 3rd Avenue
26th Floor Miami , Florida 33131
12pm South
Florida Paralegal Association: Luncheon and seminar on “Criminal and
Appeals —
What’s the Difference?”
Where: Holland & Knight, 701 Brickell Ave. ,
30th floor, Miami
Cost: $15 members, $25
non members
6pm Bankruptcy Bar
Palm Beach Happy Hour
Where: Lola's, 16950 Jog Road Delray
Beach , FL 33446-2353
(561) 496-5652
6pm CABA Young Lawyers
Domino Game Night Networker
Where: The Stage, 170 NE 38th St Miami
Fl 33137
Cost: Free
Wed Aug 24, 2011
5pm Broward Bar at the
Bar Happy Hour: Meatballs & Martinis
Where: Anthony's Runway 84 330 State Road
84 Fort Lauderdale ,
Fl 33315
Cost: $6 Martinis Complimentary
Meatballs Complimentary Valet Parking
No RSVP Necessary
Contact: Traci Lewis
Thu Aug 25, 2011
7am The Accountant /
Attorney Networking Group of Florida :
Two (2) CPE &CLE
Credit Courses &
Collaborative Networking Event
Where: the Miami Shores
Country Club, 10000 Biscayne Blvd. ,
Miami Shores , FL
8:30am South Palm Beach County Bar
Young Lawyers Section: Breakfast with
Judge Meenu Sasser
Where: Boca Country Club, 17751 Boca Club Blvd. , Boca Raton
Cost: $25 members, $35
non members
11:45am West Broward Luncheon: Judge Michelle Towbin Singer Civil
Law Update
Where: Plantation Preserve Golf Course 7050 W. Broward Blvd , Plantation
Cost: $25 prior $30 at
the door
Contact: (954) 832-3618
12pm Judges Diaz,
Imperato, Levenson and Rothschild will present "Common Mistakes and
Helpful Hints for Young Lawyers"
Where: Tower Club, 100 S.E. 3rd Avenue ,
28th Floor, Fort Lauderdale ,
5:30pm Palm Beach
Justice Assoc Annual Barrister's Bash
Contact: Kate Baloga at
561.790.5833 or
6pm Spanish American
League Against Discrimination: 2011 S. Fl Judges
Recognition Reception
Where: Coral Gables Museum , 285 Aragon Ave , Coral Gables ,
FL 33134
Description: Keynote Speaker:
Honorable Joel Brown, Chief Judge, 11th Judicial Circuit.
Honoree: Judge Antonio
RSVP: Yeneisy Blanco
Fri Aug 26, 2011
7:30am Attorney
Breakfast Club Meeting
Contact: Dina Aronfeld
11:45am South Miami / Kendall Bar Association Luncheon: Defaults and Service
Of Process Speaker:
Judge Pedro Echarte
Where: Carrabba's Italian Grill
5829 SW 73rd St. , Miami , Florida 33143
Cost: $25 Members with
Reservation $30 Non-Members
12pm Broward Bar
Solo/Small Law Firm Networking Lunch
Where: East City
Grill 1800 Bell
Tower Lane Weston (954) 252-0043
RSVP: Rick Woolf at
(954) 764-5400 or
12pm E-Discovery
Protect yourself, your clients and your budget
Where: Broward County Bar
Association 1051 SE 3rd Ave ,
Ft Lauderdale
Description: In this free CLE
seminar, you'll learn: What e-discovery is; How to prepare your clients
for e-discovery requests; and How to respond to or craft a request of production.
Speakers include: Jorge
Rey, CISA, CISM,CGEIT and Luciano Humberto, CCE, ACE
Cost: Free &
Includes Lunch
Wed Aug 31, 2011
8:15am U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission: Technical Assistance Seminar
Where: Ronald W. Shane Center , 6500 Indian Creek Drive , Miami
Cost: $349
12pm Broward Bar
Solo/Small Law Firm Networking Lunch
Where: Macaroni Grill 2004 N.W. Executive Center Circle Boca Raton (561)997-5492
RSVP: Michael Degan at
(561) 353-1631 or
Thu Sep 1, 2011
The Nuts and Bolts of
Chinese Drywall Cases Construction Law Seminar
Contact: Lenny Ortiz at or (954)525-6110
11:45am FAWL Luncheon Panel
discussion titled “Florida
Legislative Issues Impacting the Independent Judiciary”
Where: West Palm Beach Marriott, 1001 Okeechobee Blvd. , West Palm Beach
Cost: $22 members, $35
nonmembers, free for judges
Contact: Kim Danielat
12pm South Broward Bar
Association luncheon w/ 17th Judicial Circuit Court
Judge Cynthia Imperato
Where: The Ark Restaurant,
(Ballroom) 6255 Stirling Rd.
in Davie , Florida
Cost: $20 members, $30
non-members. Judges complimentary
RSVP: (954) 924-8441 or
5:30pm Palm Beach
County Bar Membership Reception & Spelling Bee
Where: Bear Lakes
Country Club, West Palm Beach
Cost: $25 PBCBA Members;
$40 PBCBA Member Spouse; Judges complimentary
Wed Sep 7, 2011
3:45pm "Florida 's New Power of
Attorney Act" CLE Seminar
Where: Broward County Bar
Association 1051 SE 3rd Ave ,
Ft Lauderdale , FL 33316
Description: Speaker: Howard S.
Krooks, J.D. CELA, CAP - 2 CLE Credits Pending
Cost:$10 BCBA
Members, $20 Non-Members
RSVP: Traci Lewis at
954-832-3618 or
Thu Sep 8, 2011
12pm New Power of
Attorney Statute Guest Speaker David R. Carlisle, Esq. Partner Duane Morris LLP
Where: Lawson Thomas
Courthouse Center 175 NW 1st Avenue , 11th FloorConference
Cost: $10 Members $20
Fri Sep 9, 2011
A View From the Bench
Where: The Bankers Club
Miami One
Biscayne Tower ,
14th Floor Miami , FL 33131
Description: Morning and Afternoon
for details
Contact: Joanne Beaudry
at or 305-347-6643
12pm Investiture of
Dawn V. Denaro
Where: Dade County
Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street ,
Courtroom 6-1 Miami ,Florida 33130
Mon Sep 12, 2011
11:45am Judicial
Luncheon "Voir Dire" (PBBA members only)
Tue Sep 13, 2011
Where: Riverside Hotel, 620 E.
Las Olas Blvd. , Fort Lauderdale
RSVP: or 954-522-1662
8:30am Significant
Attorney's Fees Issues 2009-2011 w/ James C. Hauser, Esq.
Where: Bankers Club Two South Biscayne Blvd. ,
14th Fl, Miami , Florida
11:45am South Palm
Beach Bar Membership Lunch
Where: Boca Raton Marriot
For more information,
please contact Stephanie Ginsburg (561) 482-3838 or
Thu Sep 15, 2011
NEXT Felt Hat Day
Where: Vibe Lounge
12pm Miami lakes Bar Assoc Luncheon
5:30pm 3rd annual
cocktail & charity networker WOMEN OF INFLUENCE
Where: Jungle Island ,
Treetop Ballroom 1111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Miami
Description: Featuring Panelist:
Jessie Abad, General Counsel, Estefan Enterprises
Lea Black, Entrepreneurial Powerhouse,
Philanthropist, Author, &Television Personality
Romaine Seguin , President, UPS International, America ’s Region
Angie Valdes, Chief Accounting Officer, Equity One
Space for this exclusive event is limited. Silent Auction/Open Bar/Passed
Hors d’ Oeuvres
Early Registration: $50; $55 day of event
;Register on-line
Proceeds of this event go towards
programs and services offered by the YWCA of Greater Miami-Dade
or 305-377-9922 x 203
5:30pm Palm Beach North County
Section Happy Hour
Where: Brios Restaurant, Palm Beach Gardens
Cost: Complimentary for
NCS Members & Judiciary. Spouses are welcome for $25
6:30pm 14th Annual
Greater Miami Jewish Federation Sunset Over Miami
Where: Apollo Bank, 1150 South Miami Ave , Miami , FL 33130
Cost: $45 until Sept 8/ $55
until Sept 14/ $65 at the door
Contact: Stefanie Brown 786-866-8448
Fri Sep 16, 2011
12pm Diversity and
inclusion in the legal profession
Where: Banker's Club 2 South Biscayne Blvd., #1400 Miami , FL 33131
Description: The South Miami Kendall
Bar Association has invited David Tulin, one of the country's foremost
speakers on the issue of diversity and inclusion in the legal profession, to
present a half day workshop to the South Florida legal community. This
interactive workshop will provide participants with the tools to
effectively overcome obstacles to diversity in order to advance client
trust, attorney relationships, firm values, and business goals. 4 hours of CLE,
including 2 ethics credits
Cost: $65 (includes
lunch) Register online at
For more info contact
Sharon Azoulay at
, CalrieMarsh at
, or Michael Capiro at
12pm Investiture of
Michael Hanzman
Where: Dade County
Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street ,
Courtroom 6-1 Miami ,Florida 33130
4pm Legal Services of
Greater Miami
45th Anniversary Awards Ceremony
Where: Blue Martini. Mary Brickell
Village , 900 S. Miami Ave
Cost: $30, Judges
Sat Sep 17, 2011
10am Lawyers to the
Rescue Legal Clinic
Where: Camillus House, 726 NE 1st Avenue
in downtown Miami , FL
Description: Legal Clinic for the
Homeless at Camillus House Criminal Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, PI
& Med Mal Law, Disability Law, Human Rights Law
Contact: or 347-450-5887
Tue Sep 20, 2011
11:45am Miami Beach Bar
Association Monthly Luncheon
Where: Miami Beach Golf Club, 2301 Alton Road , Miami Beach ,
Florida 33140
Contact: (305) 575-2400
Wed Sep 21, 2011
11:45am Coral Gables Bar
Association Monthly Luncheon
Where: Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd. , Coral
Contact: (305) 446-1504
6pm "Nuts &
Bolts of a Commercial Litigation Case and How this Area of Lawhas been affected
by Today's Economy" -Broward Chapter of the Paralegal Assn of
Where: Coral Ridge Yacht Club, 2800 Yacht Club Boulevard
in Fort Lauderdale
Description: We are honored to have
Jonathan S. Robbins, Esquire of Akerman Senterfitt as our
speaker - Please join us
and earn 1 CLE Hour towards your certification and/or registration - thank you!
Cost: Members $30
Non-Members $35
RSVP: Susan Sabra
with your choice of either "chicken"or
6pm Solo/Small
Networking Dinner
Where: Dave & Busters 3000 Oakwood Blvd. Hollywood , FL
Cost: $35 members of
BCBA, $50 non-members, $5 Additional w/ no rsvp
Thu Sep 22, 2011
12:30pm "Heart/Lung
Presumptions in Workers Compensation Cases Involving Firefighters, Law Enforcement
and Correctional Officers."
5:30pm Association of South Florida Mediators & Arbitrators: Dinner with
Linda Vitale
Where: Tropical Acres
Restauarnt, 2500 Griffin Road ,
Fort Lauderdale
Cost: $35 members, $40
5:30pm Palm Beach
Justice Assoc Meeting
Where: The Colony Hotel
Fore more information,
contact Kate Baloga at
6pm Greater Miami Region of ORT
America 2011 Jurisprudence Awards
Where: Jungle Island • Treetop Ballroom
Description: A Tribute To: The
Honorable Rosemary Barkett, United States Circuit Judge The
Honorable Robert A. Mark , United
States Bankruptcy Judge The Honorable Joan
A. Lenard, United States District Judge
RSVP by September 16th -
To register online visit us at
Contact: Loren Krongold 305.416.7911
Fri Sep 23, 2011
Federal Bar
Association Palm Beach
Chapter Luncheon
Where: The Colony Hotel
7:30am Attorney
Breakfast Club Meeting
Contact: Dina Aronfeld
8:30am Advertising,
Metadata & Ethics: Your Professional Practice in the Electronic Age
Where: Hyatt Regency Miami 400 SE
Second Avenue Miami , Florida
Description: Presented by the DCBA
Professionalism Committee - The program will feature a variety of
presenters and programs, culminating in the Association's General Membership
Luncheon. Professionalism, Ethics and Diversity are essential elements of
the practice of law in all areas of business and the justice system.
Attorneys today must be sensitive to and aware of ethnic, cultural and
gender differences to be an effective counselor. Speakers Jan Jacobowitz, Esq.
and Steven W. Teppler Five (5)Hours of Professionalism / Ethics CLE credit
applied for Advanced Registration Required and Includes Continental
Breakfast, General Membership Luncheon and 5 Hours of
Ethic/Professionalism CLE Credit
Cost: $100 Members $130
Non Members
9am Diversity Seminar co-sponsored
by Broward Bar Association, Floirda Muslim Bar Association, and Broward County
Hispanic Bar Association
Where: Rennaissance Hotel, 1617 SE 17th St , Fort
Lauderdale , FL 33316
11:30am Dade County
Bar Association General Membership Luncheon In Conjunction with the
Professionalism, Ethics and Diversity Seminar
Where: Hyatt Regency Miami 400 SE
Second Avenue Miami , Florida
Description: Guest Speaker Chief
Judge Charles Canady *If you are not attending the
Professionalism Seminar,
you are still welcome to join us for the General Membership Luncheon
Cost: $45 Member, $55
Non-Members -$60 at the door - if space permits.
12pm BCBA Past
President's Luncheon
Where: Bimini Boat Yard
Contact Traci Lewis
Sat Sep 24, 2011
6pm CGBA Annual Gala
and Installation Dinner
Where: Coral Gables Country Club
Description: The Coral Gables Bar
Association will be hosting its Annual Gala and Installation Dinner at
the Coral Gables Country Club. Join us for a an evening of celebration as the
gavel is passed from John Herrera to Bruce Bounds.
Kayla Riera-Gomez at
Every update includes changes and additions based on
feedback from members of our legal community. We do
our best to provide accurate, updated information to you. Your
feedback and contributions are always appreciated. If you notice anything
missing or incorrect below contact me directly at It is
recommended that you contact the organizations listed before attending an event
for the most up-to-date details. Thank you to all who contributed to this
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