Tue Jul 12, 2011
11:30am Women's Empowerment Luncheon, Judge Judith Rubenstein
Where: THE BILTMORE HOTEL 1200 Anastasia Ave., Coral Gables, FL
Cost: Chamber Members $35 Guests $45 ($10 applied to new membership)
RSVP 305-673-4440 or mdglcc@bellsouth.net
Wed Jul 13, 2011
11:30am Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Lawyers Association Luncheon
Where: Truluck's Restaurant, 777 Brickell Ave., Miami
Cost: $35 Members, $45 non-members
Contact: 305-673-4440
Where: Hyatt Regency Miami, 400 SE 2 Ave., Miami, FL 33131
RSVP to: Joyce Dooley-Rodriguez (305) 789-7598 or joyce.dooley-rodriguez@hklaw.com
6pm Children's Cancer Caring Center's Save our Children Reception
Where: Angler's Boutique Resort 660 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL
Description: Save our Children Be a superhero and join the Children's Cancer Caring Center. Help kids fight cancer. Complimentary vodka drinks and appetizers. Raffle prizes.
Cost: $20 at door
RSVP: caringisthekey@gmail.com
Donate! Visit www.caringisthekey.org
Thu Jul 14, 2011
3pm Passing the Gavel Ceremony for Chief Judge Linda Ann Wells http://goo.gl/beBZC
5:30pm Miami Lakes Bar Assoc Happy Hour
Where: Shula's Steakhouse at Don Shula's Golf Club, 7601 Miami Lakes Dr., Miami Lakes, Fl 33014
Description: Join area professionals for a fantastic networking happy hour featuring passed hors d'oeuvres and 1/2 priced drink specials.
RSVP by July 12: Gabriela Gamboa 305-556-5209 or ggamboa@raricklaw.com
5:30pm Palm Beach County Bar's Young Lawyers Summer Intern Happy Hour
Where: Carlos' n Charlie's, 700 South Rosemary Ave., City Place in West Palm Beach
Description: This event is for members of the Young Lawyers Section as well as summer associates working in area law firms. Registrations required and be done by visiting: http://goo.gl/9e378
6pm Broward Bankruptcy Bar Happy Hour
Where: Maguires Hill 16 535 N. Andrews Ave. Ft. Lauderdale
Description: Complimentary drinks and appetizers will be served to members.
No reservations required.
6pm Broward: SFPA July CLE Dinner - Understanding F.S. Chapter 713, Construction Lien Law, Payment & Performance Bonds
Where: Duffy's Sports Grill 811 South University Drive Plantation, FL 33324
Contact: Debra Byrne-Mathews at: dbmathews@sfpa.info or admin@sfpa.info
Fri Jul 15, 2011
12pm Dade County Bar Association announces Investiture of Victoria R. Brennan
Where: Dade County Courthouse Ceremonial Courtroom
Sat Jul 16, 2011
10am Lawyers to the Rescue Legal Clinic
Where: Camillus House, 726 NE 1st Avenue in downtown Miami , FL
Description: Legal Clinic for the Homeless at Camillus House Criminal Law, Family Law, Immigration Law, PI & Med Mal Law, Disability Law, Human Rights Law
Contact: dinaaronfeld@lawyerstotherescue.org or call 347-450-LTTR (5887)
Tue Jul 19, 2011
11:45am Miami Beach Bar Association Monthly Luncheon http://www.miamibeachbar.org/
Wed Jul 20, 2011
11:45am Coral Gables Bar Association Monthly Luncheon
Where: Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Coral Gables
Cost: $20 students, $30 members, $40 nonmembers, free for judges.
Call (305)446-1504 http://www.coralgablesbar.org/
12pm Lunch & Learn: Historic Miami City Cemetery Tour with Circuit Court Judge Scott Silverman
Where: 1800 N.E. 2nd Ave, Miami, FL
Description: Voted by Miami New Times in 2008 as the "BEST PLACE TO EAT IN PEACE"
Cost: This lunch and learn is free of charge and there is limited capacity. First come, first serve. Once we're full, that's it. Ghosts are free.
RSVP: Joyce Dooley-Rodriguez. (305) 789-7598. Tour time is approximately 1.25 hour
**Disclaimer: Not an official courthouse tour--Judge Silverman has offered to do this of his own free will**
6pm Broward County Bar Association Solo/Small Law Firm Networking Dinner http://goo.gl/9gyuv
Thu Jul 21, 2011
12pm North Dade Bar Association Luncheon
Where: Tai House II, 2250 NE 163rd St, North Miami Beach, FL
Cost: $15 members, judiciary Complimentary, $25 non-members.
Please RSVP no later than July15, 2010
Contact: northdadebarassociation@yahoo.com
6pm OWIT-South Florida International Business Networking and Summer Cocktail Reception
Where: Montica Jewelers, 75 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables, FL 33134
Description: Enjoy champagne, hors d'oeuvres, networking and more...
Cost: FREE -OWIT- SFL,MCIV, NAWBO, and WBDC Members $15 Non-Members
RSVP: http://owit-southflorida.org
Fri Jul 22, 2011
7:30am Attorney Breakfast Club Meeting
Where: www.abcfornetworking.com
Contact: Dina Aronfeld dina@aronfeld.com
Tue Jul 26, 2011
12pm South Florida Paralegal Association: Luncheon www.sfpa.info
Where: 160 SE Second St., 13th floor, Miami
Wed Jul 27, 2011
CGBA Charity Lunch FUNdraiser for the benefit of the UM/NSU CARD
Where: CaliforniaPizza Kitchen Miracle Mile, Coral Gables
Description: The Coral Gables Bar Association will be hosting a FUNdraiser for the University of Miami/Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism & Related Disabilities. Join us for an event where giving won't just feel good, it will taste good. Simply present the flyer to your CPK server when ordering on the day of the event and CPK will donate 20% of your check to our charity.
For more information contact Tom Pila atpilalaw@bellsouth.net
Print attached flyer and bring it in on day of event. https://viewer.zoho.com/docs/ybddPbh
Thu Jul 28, 2011
11:45am West Broward Section Luncheon with Judge Jane Fishman & Judge Louis Schiff Small Claims Court Issues
Where: Plantation Preserve Golf Course 7050 W. Broward Boulevard, Plantation
Cost: $25 pre-registered, $30 At the door, Judiciary Complimentary 1CLE Credit
RSVP: Traci at 954-832-3618 or http://goo.gl/ADGF5
6pm South Palm Beach Bar SOLO/Small Law Firm Networking Group
Where: Bogart's at Cinemark 3200 Airport Road, Boca Raton
Description: Participation is limited to attorneys in firms with four or fewer attorneys.
Contact: Michael J.C.Degnan at 561-353-1631 or michael@mjcdegnan.com
Fri Jul 29, 2011
12pm Dade County Bar Association Construction Law Committee presents Commercial General Liability ("CGL") Guest Speaker Christine Gudaitis Ver Ploeg & Lumpkin, P.A. http://goo.gl/tBU2g
Where: Gordon Biersch 1201 Brickell Avenue, #1 Miami, Florida
Description: Registration includes lunch and CLE Credit
Cost: $35 Members, $45 Non-Members-Reservations are required as seating is limited This event usually sells out, please make your reservations early
Every update includes changes and additions based on feedback from members of our legal community. We do our best to provide accurate, updated information to you. Your feedback and contributions are always appreciated. If you notice anything missing or incorrect below contact me directly at joshua.coller@legalcommunityupdate.com It is recommended that you contact the organizations listed before attending an event for the most up-to-date details. Thank you to all who contributed to this calendar.