MIAMI - July 6, 2011 - Lawyers to the Rescue, a nonprofit organization created by legal professionals committed to bringing worldwide humanitarian support in times of crisis, has launched a summer fundraising drive to support its charitable efforts called The 100 Heroes Club. During the next 100 days, the organization hopes to receive $100 donations from 100 people.
The donation levels are as follows:
White Life Vest: $10.00
Help us provide 2 meals to the Homeless during our Legal Clinics
Blue Life Vest: $25.00
Provides Law Student an opportunity to participate in our pro bono Legal Clinics
Red Life Vest: $50.00
Provides two Law Students an opportunity to participate in our pro bono Legal Clinics
Silver Life Vest: $100.00
Gives Lawyer to the Rescue the ability to provide the proper documentations and supplies for legal clinics at the homeless shelters. Donors will receive Membership to Lawyers to the Rescue & invitations to participate in all community service programs and related activities
Gold Life Vest: $500.00+
Ensures our ability to continue our pro bono legal programs for the homeless, the ability to assist families during natural disasters and offer volunteer opportunity for lawyers to in their community. Donors will receive Law Firm Membership & receive invitations to participate in all community service programs and related activities, a listing on our website as a Gold Life Vest Donor and two copies of the book, "Sara Rose, Kid Lawyer."
Diamond Life Vest: $ 1000.00+
Law Firm Membership to Lawyers to the Rescue: You will receive invitations to participate in all community service programs and related activities, a listing on the Lawyers to the Rescue website as a Diamond Life Vest Donor, including photos, a link to the firm and each attorney, and four copies of the book, "Sara Rose, Kid Lawyer Book." Donors will also be recognized during future events and receive the Lawyers to the Rescue 100 Heroes Club Award.
Donations are accepted on-line at: http://www.lawyerstotherescueb
Proceeds will benefit Lawyer's the Rescue's signature programs like the monthly legal clinic for the homeless at the Camillus House in downtown Miami and an upcoming back-to-school anti-school bullying symposium this fall.
In addition to raising funds, Lawyers to the Rescue plans to provide legal assistance following catastrophes and natural disasters by providing:
· Assistance with filing for emergency assistance
· Assistance with insurance claims (life, property, medical, etc.)
· Counseling on lessor-lessee, homeowner, and other housing problems
· Assistance with business interruption insurance
· Assistance with home repair contracts
· Assisting in consumer protection matters, remedies, and procedures
· Counseling on mortgage foreclosure problems
· Replacement of important legal documents destroyed in the natural disaster, such as wills and green cards
· Drafting of powers of attorney
· Estate administration (insolvent estates)
· Preparation of guardianships and conservatorships
· Referring individuals to local or state agencies which might be of further assistance (e.g. consumer affairs)
· Assistance with disability claims
· Assistance with loan applications
· Assistance with filing bankruptcy
Founded by South Florida attorney Spencer Aronfeld and his wife Dina, Lawyers To The Rescue assists those in need regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation. The organization was created in response to the earthquake in Haiti where more than 230,000 people died and more than one million people were left homeless. Lawyers to the Rescue has a new student chapter at the Florida International University School of Law.
The organization recently held a legal clinic for the homeless at the Camillus House in downtown Miami. Lawyers to the Rescue also assisted in the construction of a Habitat for Humanity home, held fundraisers for tornado, earthquake and tsunami disaster victims in the U.S., Japan, Chile, and Haiti.
For more information about the organization, visit: