We do our best to provide accurate, updated information to you. Please understand that this information is collected from multiple sources and it is recommended that you contact the organizations listed for the most up-to-date event details. Thank you to all who contribute to this calender. LEGAL EVENTS wspepr@gmail.com Wed Dec 8, 2010 6pm Workshop: How to Fashion Your Foreclosure Bailout Through Strategic Default Where: Tune into Oppenheim Law TV or come in person to the Boca Raton studio located at 95 NW 11th St., Boca Raton, FL 33432 Description: As Florida leads the nation in mortgage delinquency; Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim will focus on how homeowners can fashion their own bailout through strategic default. Cost: Free RSVP via email jackie@oplaw.net or call 954.384.6114 Thu Dec 9, 2010 Rescheduled for January 13, 2011!! Broward County Hispanic Bar Association Luncheon Where: Tower Club, 100 SE Third Ave., Fort Lauderdale E-mail: carmen@vctriallawyers.com http://www.browardcountyhispanicbar.com/ 12:30 pm South Palm Beach County Bar Association Real Estate Committee: Pizza lunch Where: Sachs Sax Caplan, 6111 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 200, Boca Raton Cost: Free Contact: (561) 994-4499 5:30pm Broward County Women Lawyers Association Annual Holiday Judicial Reception Where: 110 S.E. 6th Street, 7th Floor Description: Cocktails and Hors D’Oeuvres Featuring Violinist Dmitriy Melkumov, a winner of the New World concerto competition Cost: $50 BCWLA Members; $60 Non-members; Judiciary complimentary (Prepayment requested.) RSVP to rsvp@bcwla.com More info at www.bcwla.com 5:30pm Palm Beach Bar Holiday Party and Silent Auction Where: Frenchman's Reserve, 3370 Grande Corniche, Palm Beach Gardens Cost: $35 PBCBA Members; Judges complimentary; $45 Non-PBCBA Members;$45 Spouses. After 12/6/10 add $10 late fee. RSVP: https://ftppbbar.securesites.com/event.php?form=463 Contact: (561)687-2800 6pm AEPi Alumni Reception w/ Supreme Board of Governors, PSM's & You Where: Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, 3030 Holiday Dr., Fort Lauderdale,FL Description: The Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity and the South Florida Alumni Club invite you to a reception honoring the newly elected President of the American Bar Association, Stephen Zack (University of Florida, Phi Gamma Chapter, 1969). Please join us for an opportunity to reminisce on our past and to create new memories with alumni of all generations over hors d'oeuvres, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverages. Cost: free of charge and significant others are welcome. RSVP: please contact Andrew Kaufman at (800) 223-2374 or akaufman@aepi.org 6pm Association of Corporate Counsel South Florida Chapter Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party Where: Marriott Hotel North- Fort Lauderdale Description: 6:00pm - 7:00pm: Annual Meeting 7:00pm - 9:00pm: Holiday Party Contact:Cindy Rosen at 561-477-8100 or E-mail: crosen@associationsource.com 6pm The South Miami Kendall Bar Association and the Coral Gables Bar Association invite you to a holiday reception benefiting CHARLEE Homes for Children Where: Coconut Grove Bank, 2701 South Bayshore Drive, 2nd Floor, Miami,Florida 33133 Description: Please bring an unwrapped gift for a boy or girl. Beverages & Horsd'oeuvres provided Complimentary parking rsvp: http://crush3r.com/page/ojxqajphsr 6pm Dade Bar Assoc Membership Committee Holiday Mixer Where: Villagio at the Village of Merrick Park, 358 San Lorenzo Ave, 1st Level, Coral Gables Cost: Free Contact: (305) 371-2220 Fri Dec 10, 2010 T.J. Reddick Bar Association Annual Holiday Party Where: Avenue Executive, 405 NW 7th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL Cost: $20 members, $25 nonmembers. Call (954) 804-3280. RSVP to: vrobinson@erobinsonlaw.com 11:45am Miami Lakes Bar Association Holiday Networking Luncheon Where: Trattoria Pampered Chef, 7347 Miami Lakes Dr., Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (located in the Cypress Village Shopping Center) Description: Please join members, friends and colleagues and local business professionals as we celebrate a fantastic year for the MLBA. Elections for the MLBA 2011 Officers and Board of Directors will be held.Additionally, the MLBA will announce its annual holiday charitable donation. Cost: $10 for members and only $15 for non-member/guests. In consideration of the special luncheon rates, the MLBA requests that attendees bring an unwrapped toy and/or a new pair of children's pajamas to the luncheon, all of which will be donated to charities for the holidays. We have four families identified for charitable efforts, and we want to increase our ability to reach those in need with this luncheon and our members' donations. Reservations are required due to capacity limitations and only checks are accepted. To reserve your seat, please contact Becky Horner at 305-823-2300 or via email at bhorner@eliaslaw.net 11:45am South Miami/ Kendall Bar Family Law Legislative Update Luncheon Where: Carrabba's Italian Grill, 5829 SW 73rd St, Miami, FL 33143 Description: Speaker: General Magistrate Robert Jones Cost: $25.00 Members with Reservation $30.00 Non-Members or without Reservation RSVP by emailing info@smkba.com 12pm Bankruptcy Bar Association Southern District of Florida - Pro Se Clinic Where: Judge Cristol's Courtroom 5pm ALSP Adopt A Bear holiday cocktail reception Where: Chima Brazilian Steakhouse Description: ALSP Invites you to a B'eary Enchanted Adoption Evening on December10th! We have had a wonderful inaugural year. Thanks for all of your help to make our local chapter the focal point of the South Florida litigation support community. Now it is time to celebrate and give back. We are teaming up with Adopt A Bear to host a holiday cocktail reception. www.adoptabear.org Please join us as our guests at Chima Brazilian Steakhouse on Friday, December 10, 2010, from 5-8pm. Cocktails and appetizers will be provided, and there will be give away prizes. Please join us to celebrate all the success of ALSP South Florida and to support this worthy charity. Let us know if you would like to attend. Contact: Robert Friedman at rfriedman@alternativelegal.net Sat Dec 11, 2010 Asian Pacific American Bar Association Holiday Party For more details Contact Jane F. Bolin, Esq. at 954-316-1339 www.apabasfla.org Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:30 am Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association: Holiday social brunch Where: The Water Club, 3969 NE 163rd St., North Miami Beach Cost: $45 Contact: info@gscbwla.org Special message from Cheryl Linton Robinson, Esq., Pres. GSCBWLA: This year we once again we will be collecting donations to provide gifts to elderly nursing home recipients. Donors may contribute on our website http://gscbwla.org/payment.htm 12:30pm Sixth Annual Community-Wide Tikkun Olam Day Where: Susan B. Anthony Recovery Center, 1633 Poinciana Dr., Pembroke Pines Description: Registration Hours: 12:00pm to 1:30pm Opening Ceremony: 12:30pm Activities & Projects: 1:00pm to 4:30pm • Volunteers must be age 10 or older and young adults under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. • Kids Craft Project – ages 10-12 -- 1:30pm to 4:30pm – limited space – must pre-register. • Walk-in’s and non-registered volunteers will be assigned to projects as needed at the time of registration. To ensure your volunteer request is met, please pre-register at: https://secure.ujcfederations.org/ft2/form.html?__id=20596 More info at www.jewishbroward.org , click under Tikkun Olam Contact: Pepi Dunay at (954) 252-6949 or pdunay@jewishbroward.org Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:30am South Palm Beach County Bar Association: Monthly membership lunch Where: Boca Raton Marriott, 5150 Town Center Drive, Boca Raton Cost: $35 members, $45 nonmembers, free for judges. Call (561)482-3838. http://www.southpalmbeachbar.org/ 12:15 pm Dade County Bar Association Business Law Committee: Seminar Where: Akerman Senterfitt, 1 SE 3rd Ave., 25th floor, Miami Description: "Demystifying the Securities Laws – A Practitioners Approach to Getting the Deal Done – Part 4 B" with Alan Aronson, shareholder of Akerman Senterfitt Cost: Free. Contact: (305)371-2220. 6pm Russian American Chamber of South Florida Holiday Networking Party Benefiting KIDS IN DISTRESS Where: Lotus Restaurant and Lounge, 17082 Collins Ave., Sunny Isles Beach, FL Description: If you are interested in marketing your business within the Russian and American communities... don't miss this incredible event! Get into the holiday spirit and bring lots of business cards. Enjoy great food,drinks and atmosphere. During this holiday season... let's work together and help those less fortunate. Join us for this special event benefiting a very important organization in our community: KIDS IN DISTRESS During the holidays... most of the kids we know are looking for toys. But the children at KIDS IN DISTRESS are looking for basic necessities.Please help us by donating to our BASIC NECESSITIES drive.Helpful donations include NEW socks, pajamas, underwear, shoes,t-shirts, sweaters and shoes for boys and girls ages 0 to 16. Basic toiletries are also very helpful. www.racsouthflorida.com Cost: Members free, Non Members $10 (cash or check at registration table) As part of your admission fee... we ask that you donate to our Basic Necessities Drive for KIDS IN DISTRESS (See above for requested items) Admission includes FREE food, FREE parking and Cash Bar MUST RSVP by Friday,December 10th Contact: alla@racsouthflorida.com or Lisandra 305.812.0842 Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:30 am Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and Gay and Lesbian Lawyers Association: Networking for attorneys, judges and legal professionals Where: Miami Chop House, 300 S. Biscayne Blvd., Miami Cost: $35 members, $45 potential members Contact: (305) 673-4440 11:45am Coral Gables Bar Association Monthly Luncheon Where: Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Coral Gables Description: Cost: $20 students, $30 members, $35 nonmembers, free for judges. Call (305) 446-1504 http://www.coralgablesbar.org/ 6pm Bankruptcy Bar Association Southern District of Florida Holiday Party Where: Ritz-Carlton Coconut Grove, 3300 SW 27th Ave., Miami Cost: $75 members, $45 government employees, $25 students Contact: laura@bbasdfl.org. 7pm Come watch the Florida Panthers vs. Carolina Hurricanes Where: Bank Atlantic Center Description: Join the Young Lawyers Sections of the Palm Beach County Bar Association & the Broward County Bar Association for a V.I.P. Night with the Florida Panthers - Open to your colleagues, friends, and family! Cost: $50.00 per ticket, which includes: *seat in Coach's Club Section *access to Coach's Club Lounge *free food and drinks (beer,wine, and soda) *free parking Contact: Julia Wyda at jwyda@sasserlaw.com Thu Dec 16, 2010 Miami-Dade Justice Assoc Holiday Party & Annual Elections Where: Ver Ploeg & Lumpkin - Miami 12pm Federal Bar Assoc, Broward Chapter Luncheon Where: Riverside Hotel, 620 E. Las Olas Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale Cost: $35 Members, $40 non-members, $20 government attorneys, $15 judges and law clerks Contact: pol@trippscott.com 12pm Broward YLS Holiday Luncheon 2pm The Honorable Steven Shutter Retirement Party Where: West Regional Courthouse, Courtroom 220, 100 Pine Island Road,Plantation, FL 33324 5:30pm North Dade Bar Association’s Annual Holiday Party and Officer Induction Where: Aquamare 18090 Collins Ave. Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160 Cost: $30 for Members, $40 for Non-members, Judiciary are complimentary and their guest price is that of a member. includes two drinks and a wonderful assortment of the best from Acquamare’appetizers. 10% discount for people that will stay for dinner and door prize for a $50 dinner gift certificate Contact: Gregory Blackburn (303) 981-9055 or gregoryblackburn@lazegalaw.com 6 pm Broward County Justice Association: Judges Night, "Honoring the Accomplishments and Careers of Retiring Judge Gary Farmer Sr. and Judge John Frusciante," Where: Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six, 2301 SE 17th St., Fort Lauderdale Cost: $90 Contact: bcja@att.net 6:30 pm F. Malcolm Cunningham Sr. Bar Association and the Palm Beach County Hispanic Bar Association: Holiday party Where: The Windsor Gardens Hotel, 11360 U.S. Highway 1, Palm Beach Gardens Cost: $30 members, $35 nonmembers, $55 at the door Contact: rjohnson@rivieriadoch.com 7:30 pm Asian Pacific American Bar Association of South Florida: Holiday dinner Where: Miss Yip’s Chinese Café, 1661 Meridian Ave., Miami Beach Cost: $45 Contact: stellchu@gmail.com Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:30pm Broward County Bar Association Holiday Party Where: Norma B. Howard Bar Center, 1051 SE 3rd Ave., Fort Lauderdale No RSVP necessary 6:30 pm Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. Bar Association: Holiday party Where: Mia at Biscayne, 20 Biscayne Blvd., Miami Cost: Free with black doll. Contact: jellis@hunton.com Tues Dec 21,2010 11:30 am Dade County Bar Association Workers Compensation Committee: Seminar on "The Amended Rules of Procedure for Workers’ Compensation Adjudication What Attorneys Need to Know," Where: Lawson Thomas Courthouse Center, 175 NW 1st Ave., 11th floor conference room, Miami Cost: $25 members, $30 nonmembers Call (305) 371-2220. Keep up with events in your community Sign up for the weekly events email blasts Just follow this link http://eepurl.com/YSBw COMMUNITY EVENTS  Will You WalkAbout With Us on January 29, 2011? WalkAbout: (wo-kÉ™-baut), noun, org. 1908, A “rite of passage” during which Australian Aborigines would undergo a journey during adolescence, live in the wilderness tracing paths that their ceremonial ancestors took, and imitate their heroic deeds. The Dan Marino Foundation WalkAbout Autism was inspired by this concept of a “rite of passage.” We envision this event as a “rite of passage” for our children and adults with autism and their families. It is a reflection of where we have been and where we are going – the pathway to a better future for all of our heroes living with autism. This inaugural event was created to raise critical funds for programs and services benefiting people living with autism spectrum disorders right here in our community. While we will continue to support the amazing and longstanding efforts to raise funds for research and advocacy, we have joined this particular venture because we hear every day from our families about limited service options, programmatic cuts to our schools and other government-funded services, poor access to available services because of lengthy waiting lists and/or insurance mandates that exclude far too many. The systems meant to support those with autism and related disabilities are fragile and weakening every day in these economically devastating times. We must work together to strengthen them. This effort represents just one important step along the way. But we cannot succeed without you, so please join us, take this journey with us, and help make a difference for those living with autism today. Celebrating 60 Years of Civil Legal Services to the Indigent of Dade County If you are an attorney and would like to donate your time, please visit the Dade County Pro Bono Website at DadeCountyProBono.org . Once you become a member of the website, you may view available pro bono opportunities. There are many ways to support Legal Aid Society and Put Something Back. Individual, Law firm, Cypres, Corporate and other donations help sustain the critical work of Legal Aid and Put Something Back. Your financial contribution fulfills The Florida Supreme Court pro bono mandate. Visit http://www.dadelegalaid.org/legal_aid_donate-now.php to help provide "Equal Access to Justice for All." Children’s Book Written by Coral Children’s Book Written by Coral Gables Attorney to Benefit Lawyers to the Rescue/Miami Children's Hospital Spencer M. Aronfeld, founding partner of The Aronfeld Trial attorneys, has written a children’s book showing young readers what different kinds things lawyers do, and how the gift of debate on a passionate issue can lead to legal career. "Sara Rose, Kid Lawyer," published by AuthorHouse™, tells the story of Sara Rose, a tenacious elementary school student who likes to argue. She constantly debates with her parents, her little brother and her friends. One day her fourth-grade teacher tells her that all her arguing would make her a good lawyer. After a chance encounter with a real attorney who introduces her to the legal profession, Sara Rose soon finds herself thrust into the middle of a real case, representing her class in front of the school board. A portion of the proceeds from the book will benefit Lawyers to the Rescue, a non-denominational humanitarian organization created by lawyers committed to bringing legal assistance and humanitarian support to people around the world in times of crisis. Lawyers to the Rescue recently held a legal clinic for the homeless at the Camillus House in downtown Miami. The organization also assisted in the construction of a Habitat for Humanity home and held fundraisers for earthquake disaster relief efforts in Chile and Haiti. It also has a new student chapter at the Florida International University School of Law. For more information about the organization, visit: www.lawyerstotherescue.org Also, attorneys who buy the book have the option of having copies donated to the Miami Children's Hospital, with the goal that each child admitted this holiday season will receive a free copy. You can buy book by contacting Mr. Aronfeld's office: 305.441.0440 Neat Stuff needs donations of new clothing, shoes, toys and school supplies for children ages infant to teenagers. For corporate giving (manufacturers, stores and others) Neat Stuff appreciates overruns, seconds, seasonal and any other merchandise that can be spared. They have corporate sponsorship opportunities, please contact them for more details. Neat Stuff is a 501(C)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible. Help lift the spirits of children in need. Phone NEAT STUFF today at 305.638.5878 The Pro Bono & Community Service Committee coordinates public service projects and provides young lawyers with the opportunity to give back to our community through pro bono and community service. For more information about the Committee, please contact Ethan Wall at ewall@richmangreer.com or call 305-373-4050 Found this information useful? Post this for your colleagues via these links: Keep up with events in your community Sign up for the weekly events email blasts Just follow this link http://eepurl.com/YSBw |
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